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To see more videos, please subscribe to the Isai Jess Youtube Channel!
Two Songs by Franz Liszt: Oh! Quand je dors and Enfant, si j'étais roi
A word in the time of COVID-19, and 3 songs from La rosa als llavis by Eduard Toldrà, as guest artist for the NATS national virtual series,
"A Word and a Song"
Leigh: Sancho in Man of la Mancha
Humperdinck: The Witch in Hansel and Gretel
"Domine Ego Credidi" from Oratorio de Noël by Camille Saint Saëns
In Recital: Catalan Songs by Frederic Mompou
Sondheim: Pirelli in Sweeney Todd
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Figgis-Vizueta: Theory as Liberatory Practice- Be Still and Know I am GodIsai Jess Munoz
00:00 / 06:03
Handel: Every Valley from The MessiahIsai Jess Munoz
00:00 / 01:04
Bach: Benedictus from h-Moll MesseIsai Jess Munoz
00:00 / 01:04
All rights reserved. Any information should not be reproduced without the explicit consent and approval of Isaí Jess Muñoz.
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